Saturday, November 5, 2011

Museum Taman Prasasti (Dutch's Funeral Park)

Hello again, do you ever came to this place ? it was awesome, guys you should come here. the statues of funeral, inscription, relief, etc. you can make a good historical journal in this place. I came to this place with Jakarta Sketch Group gathering season.

Taman Prasasti Museum or Museum of Memorial Stone Park is a museum located in Jakarta, Indonesia. The museum was formerly a cemetery, built by the Dutch colonial government in 1795 as a final resting place for noble Dutchmen. Several important person that was buried in the cemetery area are Olivie Mariamne Raffles - the first wife of British governor general Thomas Stamford Raffles - and Indonesian youth activist Soe Hok Gie.
The cemetery area is the oldest of its kind in Jakarta and may have been the oldest modern cemetery in the world by comparison with the Fort Canning Park (1926) in Singapore, Gore Hill Cemetery (1868) in Sydney, Père Lachaise (1803) in Paris, and Mount Auburn Cemetery (1831) in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

A'ite here's my journal, check it out.


Dessy Rachma Waryanti said...

keren banget nih, bisa ajarin dan info2 sketching bareng gitu nggak ya? trus trus, ini komunitasnya netap dimana? hehe makasih.

Nugraha Pratama said...

komunitasnya ada dimana2 kok (jakarta,jogja,semarang,medan, bali, sidoarjo,dll), kamu tinggalnya di daerah mana ?

oh iya buat info2nya ikut

nanti gambarnya di upload aja disana, kenal2an sama seniman2 keren, saya juga banyak belajar kok dari mereka, salam kenal


Langit Merah Muda said...

wowwwww keren bgt! Pake apa yah itu ngegambarnya?